Follow the trails for the science experiments and EVA carried out by the MDRS on 4 October 2013 (route and pictures).
The 2013 Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS) Crew for World Space Week (WSW) arrived at the hab around 12:15 am MDT on October 4. Shortly after arriving we learned that Jamie Guined has cancelled her participation in the crew due to NASA-shutdown related issues. A WSW Google hangout was held with Mission Control Center (MCC) in Austria and our WSW ‘Exploring Mars, Discovering Earth’ collaborators at 4:00 am MDT (12:00 CEST) on October 4 to kick off WSW 2013 activities.
After a very short night’s sleep, the MDRS WSW crew assessed HAB [analogue Mars Lander Habitat module] conditions this morning. All systems seem to be functioning normally. The HAB was very well organized and clean. The crew then initiated field activities after lunch after revisions to the schedules were made to accommodate the reduced size of our crew.
All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) were checked and tested – 4 blue ATVs are operable (2 others do not start – they have good batteries, but are not firing). The one non-starting blue ATV has a leaky gas shut-off/on/reservoir valve. In the “on” position, the valve does not leak, but in any other position, it leaks, and may be contributing to the starting problem. No troubleshooting has been done on the red ATV starting problem. Communications during EVA proved very challenging. The two-way radios that are available at the hab are not in good condition and are not operating well. Troubleshooting is ongoing.
Science Activities
One “D-TREX” EVA was performed in sim [in spacesuit simulators] and then repeated out of sim [unsuited] to conduct operations tests designed by our Austrian collaborators. The test assesses the effect spacesuit simulators have on the time required to complete a task. The crew measured the amount of time it took to complete four specific tasks in sim: (1) gathering of a soil sample (2) gathering of a rock sample (3) walking 20 meters and (4) walking 200 meters. All four tasks were then repeated out of sim. Time data was collected for 36 operational tests (some replicates were completed, and it is anticipated that three replicates will be completed for each task ). Haritina (Hari) Mogosanu, Jean Hunter, and Patricia (Tricia) Marie Smedley completed 12 tasks each. A raw data matrix has been drafted to capture all the data for all DTREX data points.
In addition to the Dtrex EVA, a “change detection” EVA was also performed by Hari, Jean and Tricia. The EVA crew revisited “White Mushroom Field” near the HAB to gather imagery at the exact location where images were taken in 2006 and 2008, to assess the amount of visible erosion that has occurred over time.
Dieser Artikel ist auch verfügbar auf: German
- Tagged: highlight, Mars, MCC, MDRS, outreach, simulateMars, Simulation, suit, World Space Week
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