AMADEE-18 Mars Analog Mission
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Conducting field research in a representative environment is an excellent tool to gain operational experience and understand the advantages and limitations of remote science operations on other planetary bodies. This field mission was designed to be:
- an opportunity to study equipment, procedures and workflows under Mars analog conditions with humans-in-the-loop.
- a platform for testing life-detection or geophysical techniques, terrain tests for rovers and increase the situational awareness of remote support teams,
- studying the test site as a model region for Martian deserts and extreme life,
- serving as an outreach platform to enhance the visibility of planetary sciences (see AMADEE-18 Press Kit)

Final Mission Report of the AMADEE-18 Mars Simulation, Feb 2018, Dhofar desert/Oman
The actual field mission took place during four weeks in February 2018. Based upon 11 preceding Mars analog missions, the Austrian Space Forum has established a mission support infrastructure, trained and certified flight controllers and field crew members as well as a programmatic roadmap to implement a coherent strategy.
Field activities are scheduled through a “flight plan”, supported by a remote science team and directed by flight controllers at the Mission Support Center in Austria. An expert media team ensured a high international public visibility.
The AMADEE-18 Test Site in Oman
The deserts of Dhofar, the largest governorate in the Sultanate of Oman, have a resemblance to various Mars surface features, such as sedimentary structures dating back to the Paleocene and Eocene, salt domes of the South Oman Salt Basin and ancient river beds. The test site offers a wide range of sand and rocky surfaces combined with a broad variability in inclination.
The nearest major city is Salalah, expected temperatures at the test site in February typically range between 16-27°C with less than 10 mm of precipitation.

Kepler Station Oman (c) OeWF (Florian Voggeneder)

Analog Astronauts Kartik Kumar and Joao Lousada on EVA.
Photo: (c) OeWF (Florian Voggeneder)
Experiment | Organization | Short Description |
A3DPT-2-Mars | Junior-Reseachers TU Graz, AT |
3D printing operational workflow experiments for crewed Mars expeditions |
AVI-NAV | Institute of Smart System Techn., Alpen-Adria Univ. Klagenfurt, AT | Drone with vertical take-off and landing capabilities for efficient area exploration and low latency visual feedback to the crew or/and ground personnel |
EOS | Junior-Reseachers HTL Eistenstadt, AT |
Radio Navigation System for EVA’s on GPSless planets |
FATIGUE | Medical Univ. of Vienna, Dep. of Anesthesia, AT |
Analysing physical and mental fatigue in Analog Astronauts during AMADEE-18. |
Field Spectrometry |
Italian Space Agency (ASI/URS), IT |
Acquisition of reflectance and radiance spectra in an environment analogous to Mars |
Hortextreme | Italian Space Agency (ASI/VUS), IT |
Mobile and inflatable green house with hydroponics, to be used for the cultivation of microgreens. |
Husky | Graz Univ. of Technology, Inst. of Software Techn., AT |
An autonomous rover that supports astronauts and aids in area mapping |
MIMIC | TU Graz, Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory, AT |
A computerized analysis of verbal communication to study the mechanisms of psychological and physiological adaptation or maladaptation in extreme or stressful environments |
MSTAT | Ben Gurion Univ., Earth and Planetary Imaging Facility (EPIF), Israel, IS |
The situational awareness training aims to simulate two seperated groups of astronauts on Mars. |
ScanMars | Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy) – Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia&Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (IAPS), IT | Subsurface Characterization of a Martian Analogue through 2D/3D Ground Penetrating Radar datasets |
SIT-AS | University of Witten Herdecke, DE |
Examination of the situational awareness in and between co-working teams on Earth and simulated Mars |
TEAM | Western Univ., Dep. of Psychology & Mission Control Space Services, CA |
Study on the level and fluctuation, over time, of team cohesion, conflict and performance and determination of “person” factors (e.g. personality) |
TumbleWeed | Junior-Researchers Sir Karl Popper School, Vienna, AT |
A wind propelled compact rover to be used for efficient Mars exploration. |
V(R)ITAGO | Mars Planet Italy, IT | Virtual Reality tool for astronaut training and to aid the RSS team in analyzing geological features. |
Water Explorer |
Junior-Researchers Highschool Student, OM |
Water detection via a geophone mounted on a rover, which measures the reflection of ultrasound waves |
Sophie Gruber and Stefan Übermasser
AMADEE-18 leadership team
Monika Fischer
OeWF Media Contact
Journal References
- Losiak, A. at al. (2014): Remote Science Support during MARS2013: Testing a Map-Based System of Data Processing and Utilization for Future Long-Duration Planetary Missions, Astrobiology 14:5, pp 417-430
- Groemer, G. et al. (2014): The MARS2013 Analog Mission, Astrobiology 14:5, pp 360-376
- Groemer, G. et al. (2016): The AMADEE-15 Mars Simulation, Acta Astronautica, Vol 129, pp 277–290
Media References
To simulate a Mars mission these aspiring astronauts have made the Omani desert their home.
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) February 11, 2018
One small step for O-man…
Would-be astronauts venture out into Oman's barren desert during a simulation aimed at one day helping humans survive on Mars.
? @mumenkhatib
— AFP news agency (@AFP) February 9, 2018
AMADEE-18 Science Workshop
From 25. - 27. May 2018 the AMADEE-18 science workshop will take place in Graz. The scientific findings of the Mars Analog Simulation will be presented for the first time.
in cooperation with
Fortis Official timekeeper of the AMADEE-18 Mars Simulation.
Dieser Artikel ist auch verfügbar auf: German
AMADEE-18, Oman
- Date:February 2018
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