The OeWF Board
The core of the Austrian Space Forum is comprised of alumni of the International Space University (ISU) and the Space Generation Forum (SGF/UN). They are professionally involved in various national and international space related activities.
President: Willibald Stumptner, Vice-president: Reinhard Tlustos
Secretary: Hannes Mayer, Vice-secretary: Alexandra de Carvalho
Chief Financial Officer: Olivia Haider, Vice-Financial Officer: Mag. Monika Fischer
(Period of Office: 2024- 2026)
Director: Dr. Gernot Grömer
Senior Advisor to the Board: Dr. Rudolf Albrecht, Mag. Alexander Soucek
Controlling: Sophie Gruber, Andreas Leimbeck
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Willibald Stumptner
Responsibilites: external representation, project manager
Career: Born 1967 in Graz; high school Lichtenfels in Graz; student of technical physics at the technical university in Graz, and meteorology and geophysics at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz; Space Camp 1991; International Space University (1995); stay abroad ath the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble; 6 years at the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Graz (atmospheres of planets and astro biology, especially Mars and Titan) ; At present he is laboratory and quality manager at the RCPE (Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering).
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Reinhard Tlustos
Responsibilities: Flight Director, public relations, project manager
Career: Born in 1989 in Vienna. Currently studies Astrophysics and Human Resource Management. Alumni of the Alpbach Summer School (2012) and International Space University SSP15.
Former Austrian National Team member and Vice-Word Champion in Jiu Jitsu. Member of the Austrian Space Forum since 2010, continuously part of the Flight Control Team and Flight Director Assistant since 2011. Flight Director for the AMADEE-18 mission. Organising Committee lead for the Österreichischer Weltraumball (Austrian Space Ball).
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Olivia Haider
Chief Financial Officer
Responsibilites: financial affairs, social media
Career: Born 1975, college of education Stams/Tirol, language assistant at the Lycee in St. Omer/France. Aftwards primary school teacher in various tyrolean schools. Studied applied informatics at the Management Center Innsbruck. International Space University Space Studies Program 2009, NASA Ames.
Coordination IT-Services for Outreach & Education Division of LunarSat project. Coordination OEWF social media strategy, organizer of the first MarsTweetup and head of social media team of the forum. Participated in several Mars analog missions (MediaCom at the Mission Support Center, field crew during the AMADEE-18 mission). Currently product manager at an Austrian software company.
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Hannes Mayer
Responsibilities: Space Policy & Legal Team
Career: Born in 1982, studied at the University of Graz. Working at the Competence Center for Space Law and Space Policy and in the Department of Global Governance at Karl-Franzens-University Graz. Member of the Austrian UNCOPUOS delegation. Member of the OeWF Legal Team since 2013. Member of the European Centre for Space Law, the Space Law and SGAC Policy Project Group and Secretary of the History Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA).
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Alexandra de Carvalho, MSc.
Career: Born in 1989 in Berlin. Studied psychology and psychotherapy at the University of Witten/Herdecke. Completed training for licensure as a psychological psychotherapist (cognitive-behavioral therapy). Currently engaged in research in the field of virtual reality applications and working as an outpatient psychotherapist. Research interests include new technologies, anti-stigma measures, and embodiment. Since 2015, a member of the Austrian Space Forum, leading the “Human Factors” team. Involved in the selection and training of analog astronauts, as well as investigating the psychological impacts of analog missions. Team leader for Human Factors. Also teaches courses on “Space Psychology.”
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Monika Fischer, MA
Vice-Financial Officer
Responsibilites: Team Lead Media Team, public relation
Career: born 1972 in Poland, amateur astronomer, Studies of law in Vienna and afterwards working for the higher administrative court. Further customer aquisition for a leading personal consultant in Vienna. Several years experience in public outreach, marketing and fundraising for the planetarium Vienna. Currently public outreach and program management at the artistic adult education center in Vienna. Organizer of the Yuri’s Night Vienna. Since 2012 team lead of the OeWF media team.
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Dr. Gernot Grömer
Founder & Director
Responsibilites: Director, external representation, management OeWF spacesuit laboratory Innsbruck
Career: Born 1975, masters degree in astronomy, PhD in exploration astrobiology (Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck), International Space University summer school (Houston/Texas), lecturer at the International Space University and the University of Innsbruck. Member of the Space Generation Advisory Council (Board of Mentors). Flight Crew 37th ESA Parabolic Flight Campaign. Programme Management Group AustroMars and PolAres.
Teaches and does research at various universities in the field of human Mars exploration and Astrobiology. Dr. Groemer led 14 Mars expedition simulations, including the Dhofar desert in Oman, the Northern Sahara, Utah and southern Spain and leads the development of the experimental spacesuit simulator Aouda.X.
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Dr. Rudolf Albrecht
Senior Adivsor to the Board
Responsibilites: Liason to the Austrian delegation to the United Nations Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, and to other external organizations as required. Providing expertise and experience to the Board as appropriate.
Career: Born 1946 in Vienna, Ph.D. (astrophysics), University of Vienna, Austria. Former Head of scientific data processing at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland and former Head of the ESA / ESO Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility in Munich, Germany.
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Alexander Soucek, MLaw, MSS
Senior Advisor to the Board
Responsiblities: Flight Director, Education and Outreach, Legal Services
Career: Head of the International Law Division of the European Space Agency (ESA). ESA expert for space law and ESA delegate at the United Nations. Master of Law, Salzburg University (Austria). Master of Space Studies, International Space University (France). Research activities: Space Policy Institute (Washington D.C), NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, The Hague Academy of International Law. 2003 – 2020 Member of the OeWF board. Numerous publications.
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