Ever since 2001, the 12th of April sees worldwide celebrations to honor the first manned space flight of Yuri Gagarin. This year, already 70 events in more than 20 countries are registered. Two of those will take place in Austria: In the Technical Museum in Vienna and the Audioversum Science Center in Innsbruck.
Visitors can look forward to two special highlights: The award ceremony of the Polarstar Award 2014 and the hand over of the “Earth-Master-Sample” Crystal made by Swarowski. This crystal contains rock sample from all over the world as well as a meteor from Mars. The samples were collected during World Space Week 2013. More information here.
Yuri’s Night Vienna
Technisches Museum, Mariahilfer Str. 212 , 1140 Wien
Begins 19:00 Uhr, free entry
Highlights (Talks are in German):
- Maria Pflug-Hofmayr (Der Orion, Austrian Space Forum) talks about Astronomy Picture of the Day – German Edition
- Ludmila Carone, Universität zu Köln und Universität Leuven, Belgien: „A Universe full of confusing planets“
- Andreas Weise, Freunde-der-Raumfahrt.de und Raumcon, Brandenburg: „Forgotten Cosmonauts“
- Interview with Astronaut Franz Viehböck: “Working in Space”
- Visit of special exhibiton “SPACE”
- Handover of the Swarovski “Earth-Master sample” Crystal to the Austrian Space Forum
- Award ceremony of the Austrian Space Forum Polarstar Award 2014
The Yuri’s Night Vienna is organised by the “Förderkreis Astronomie und Raumfahrt – Der Orion” in cooperation with the Austrian Space Forum. Full programme (german) can be found at: www.der-orion.com/yuri
Yuri’s Night Innsbruck
Audioversum Science Center, Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 23, 6020 Innsbruck
Begins 19:00, free entry
Highlights (Talks are in German):
- Christoph Ragonig, Flight Director Austrian Space Forum: „Yuri Gagarin“
- Guided tour of the special exhibition “Sounds of Space“
- Get Together & Party
- Live-link to Yuri’s Night Vienna to the Handover of the Swarovski „Earth-Master Sample“ crystal.
Yuri’s Night Innsbruck is a coproduction of the Austrian Space Forum and the Audioversum Science Center.
Not enough space yet? For the first time ever, the space “un-conference” SpaceUp takes place in Austria. Where? Vienna, Technical Museum. When? 12th of April, between 09:00-17:30
Learn more: www.spaceup.at
Dieser Artikel ist auch verfügbar auf: German
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