Do you have a gripping idea for a small OeWF project which you want to realize? For the first time, members of the Austrian Space Forum get the opportunity to fund their ideas for small or medium-term projects up to 1,000 EUR with the pioneer projects challenge.
Pioneer Projects will cover small, medium term projects. The challenge aims to provide a chance for members to carry out ideas and initiatives as well as follow the life cycle of a typical project, beginning with the first idea and proposals to a final report.
The topics for the projects are not restricted, as long as they are within the goals and guidelines of the Austrian Space Forum: everything goes – starting from a school project, a new technical development for a field mission or ideas to recruit new members. The challenge is open only to members of the Austrian Space Forum. External project collaborators, partner organization and sponsoring are possible.
What will be offered?
- A budget of up to 1,000 EUR
- Use of the Forum’s infrastructure (workshops, IT-infrastructure, consulting (e.g legal team, media contacts, accounting…))
- Support towards internal and external communication
Up to two projects will be funded. An international board (consisting of representatives of NASA and ESA) under Dr. Rudolf Albrecht (OeWF Senior Advisor) will select the winning projects.
Proposal have to be of the following format:
A maximum of three pages, provided in English, consisting of
- One page:
Title of Project, Name of project leader (with contact data) and team, Summary with aims and duration - One page:
Description of project, what is the scope and course of action, risks and gains, results/impact - One page:
One page: budget, time table including important milestones
Next steps:
- Deadline: December 1st 2014, send proposals via email to pionierprojekte@oewf.org
- Official announcement of winning projects: December 20th 2014 (at the Forum’s Christmas party)
- Run time of projects: January 1st 2015 until September 2015 (theForum’s “Zieleworkshop” – Annual meeting to define the main goals for the upcoming year)
Dieser Artikel ist auch verfügbar auf: German
- Tagged: OeWF internal, pionieer projects, vision
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