OeWF Blog

Latest post about OeWF activities & expeditions

Passepartout – Communication (Part 4)

Passepartout – Communication (Part 4)

ÖVSV, ATV, APRS, ARISS,… these are abbreviations most of us might not be familiar with. They come from amateur radio communication – something we want to introduce and maybe raise your interest in with this article! But first, lets cover […]
Passepartout – Tracking (Part 3)

Passepartout – Tracking (Part 3)

One of the most exciting things of each of Passepartouts flights is the recollection of the balloon – as it can come down more or less everywhere! There are two possibilities to find the balloon: A team can be sent […]
Passepartout – payloads (part 2)

Passepartout – payloads (part 2)

As mentioned in the first part, we can use the stratosphere for several causes. Some applications within research lie in astronomy, weather, biology or ecology. It is easiest to perform this type of science with balloons, as satellites burn when […]
Passepartout – Physics of the earth atmosphere (Part 1)

Passepartout – Physics of the earth atmosphere (Part 1)

In this new, 6 part series about „Passepartout“, the stratospheric balloon of the OEWF, we will introduce you to the physics involved.
Young tyrolean space talents (incl. video!)

Young tyrolean space talents (incl. video!)

The OEWF and the university of Innsbruck inspire with Unicamp 2011 and "young university on tour"
DESTINATION MARS: Bringing the mysteries and wonders of Mars to the general public

DESTINATION MARS: Bringing the mysteries and wonders of Mars to the general public

The Austrian Space Forum is contributing to this Spanish space exhibit!
SOMOST  – a project with the forum’s participation

SOMOST – a project with the forum’s participation

The title “SoMoSt” comes from “Sonne Mond und Sterne” – German for “Sun, Moon and Stars”. This project is a full year program to engage nursery teachers in teaching natural sciences at kindergarden and day care centres. Together with the […]
8. PolAres Suit Workshop (24.-26. July 2011)

8. PolAres Suit Workshop (24.-26. July 2011)

From the 24th to the 26th of June Space Air could be smelled in the centre of the Salzkammergut, or more precisely in the empirial Spa of Bad Ischl. 14 members of the space forum have choosen this place (which […]
Science Experiment: Scaled Observations and Planning of ExtraVehicular Activity (EVA)

Science Experiment: Scaled Observations and Planning of ExtraVehicular Activity (EVA)

The science experiments are some of the most important tasks of the Rio Tinto Mission 2011...
OEWF wins Europlanets Outreach prize!

OEWF wins Europlanets Outreach prize!

The 2011 Europlanet prize for excellence in public engagement with planetary science has been awarded to the Austrian Space Forum. :-)

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