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Commander’s Report # 20, 2006-04-21

Commander’s Report # 20, 2006-04-21

2006-04-21, 2100h MST AustroMars Mission Sol 14: “Operation Edelweiss acomplished!” The last day of the AustroMars Mission saw a final that was absolutely in alignment with this remarkable mission. Beside of the usual communication issues with our primary satellite connection, […]
Commander’s Report # 19, 2006-04-20

Commander’s Report # 19, 2006-04-20

2006-04-20, 2100h MST AustroMars Mission Sol 13:  “13 is a lucky number!” They say that 13 is an unlucky number, but this Sol number 13 was one of my luckiest days in the MDRS. All was triggered by a special […]
Commander’s Report # 18, 2006-04-19

Commander’s Report # 18, 2006-04-19

2006-04-19, 2100h MST AustroMars Mission Sol 12: “A Long-Duration geological Scouting Mission” Today was a real hay day for three of our crew members, when Gernot Grömer, our Health and Safety Officer, acting also as EVA Commander, Christian Hutsteiner, the […]
Commander’s Report # 17, 2006-04-18

Commander’s Report # 17, 2006-04-18

2006-04-16, 1900h MST AustroMars Mission Sol 11: “Alpine rescueing on Mars” Imagine a Mars expedition on top of the Tharsis volcanoes or at the Vallis Marineris. What happens if one of the astronauts slips and breaks himself an arm or […]
Commander’s Report # 15, 2006-04-16

Commander’s Report # 15, 2006-04-16

2006-04-16, 1900h MST AustroMars Mission Sol 9: “Geology, Biology and Exploration after all” Only five sols to go, it is incredible how quickly time can fly when one is in the MDRS. Today saw the first real planned anomaly by […]
Commander’s Report # 14, 2006-04-15

Commander’s Report # 14, 2006-04-15

  AustroMars Mission Sol 8: “Sand, Stones and Wings” Halftime at AustroMars. After our recharging day yesterday, we were set back to full speed by our Mission Control Center (MCC) in Salzburg. This could easily be seen by the fact […]
Commander’s Report # 13, 2006-04-14

Commander’s Report # 13, 2006-04-14

2006-04-14, 2000h MST AustroMars Mission Sol 7: “The right Stuff” Today, as we have nearly reached the halftime of the AustroMars mission, our Mission Control Center (MCC) in Salzburg decided that we should have a little bit of rest. Therefore […]

Commander’s Report # 12, 2006-04-13

2006-04-13, 2100h MST AustroMars Mission Sol 6: “First Aid on Mars” Even on a remote and rather friendly place like Mars, accidents are likely to happen. One small step and an unwary astronaut can easily tumble, breaking his arm or […]
Commander’s Report # 11, 2006-04-12

Commander’s Report # 11, 2006-04-12

2006-04-12, 2030h MST AustroMars Mission Sol 5: “Bacteria Day an Yuri’s Night” If I had to describe this day in two words, I would most likely choose “bacteria day”, as today’s EVA’s were all centred on biological experiments. Already in […]
Commander’s Report # 9, 2006-04-10

Commander’s Report # 9, 2006-04-10

2006-04-10, 2100h MST AustroMars Mission Sol 3: “Looking for Life on Mars and WLAN Masts… This day can definitely be best described as the EVA day. In the morning, Alexander Soucek, the First Officer, Mission Specialist for planetary Sciences, Christoph […]

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