selected photos for journalists, editorial teams and blogger
On this page selected photo material is available for journalists, blogger, editorial teams and TV broadcasting. All material is available free-of-charge when used with regards to content about the Austrian Space Forum and if the copyright is used correctly and completely.
The correct credit is always noted next to the photos. Example: OeWF / Name of Photographer
AMADEE-24 – Armenia

Photos and videos from the AMADEE-24 Mars simulation are available here. All media material is free-of-charge, if the copyright is used correctly and completely. For commercial use please contact us directly.
see media material
Adler-2 Cubesat

Photos and Video renderings from the Adler-2 Cubesat project are available here. The media material can be used free-of-charge for news publications, if the copyright is used correctly and completely.
Access Media material
Adler-1 Cubesat

Photos and videos from the Adler-1 Cubesat project are available here. All media material is free-of-charge, if the copyright is used correctly and completely.
see media material
AMADEE-20 – Israel

Photos, B-Roll videos and audio recordings of the AMADEE-20 Mars Simulation in Israel are available here. Photos are free-of-charge, if the copyright is used correctly and completely.
see media material
Our Analog Astronauts
Photos of our analog astronauts (portrait photos, during simulation etc.) are available here. Photos of the analog astronauts are free-of-charge, if the copyright is used correctly and completely.
Serenity Spacesuit Simulator
Designstudies by Bernhard Kaliauer design of the Serenity spacesuit simulator. Photos of Serenity are ONLY free-of-charge, if following copyright is used correctly and completely: OeWF / Bernhard Kaliauer Design Studio
AMADEE-18 – Oman
The AMADEE-18 Mars simulation took place in the Sultanat of Oman in February 2018. Photos of the AMADEE-18 mission are free-of-charge, if the copyright is used correctly and completely.
Aouda Test Campaign 17A

The Aouda Test Campaign 17A was conducted betweent 2nd and 6th January 2017 in Innsbruck and Seefeld in Austria. Photos are free-of-charge, if the copyright is used correctly and completely.
AMADEE-15 – Kaunertaler Glacier / Austria

AMADEE-15 simulation took place in August 2015 at the Kaunertaler glacier. Photos are free-of-charge, if the copyright is used correctly and completely.
Mars 2013 – Morocco Mars Analog Field Simulation
Please find photos and press kit about MARS2013 Morocco Mars Simulation below.
Publications which are part of reporting about MARS2013 are free-of-charge.
World Space Week 2013
Please find photos and press kit on “Exploring Mars, Discovering Earth” World Space Week 2013 below.
Publications which are part of reporting on the World Space Week 2013 are free-of-charge.
Previous Mars Analog Field Simulations
Here you will find photo material from previous Mars Analog Simulations: Dachstein / Austria: 27. April – 1 May 2012 RioTinto / Spain: 17. – 22. April 2011 AustroMars / Utah/USA: April 2006
Photos are free-of-charge, if the copyright is used correctly and completely.
Dieser Artikel ist auch verfügbar auf: German
Blog categories
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- AMADEE-18 (19)
- AMADEE-20 (21)
- AMADEE-24 (21)
- Aouda Spacesuit Simulator (67)
- ASE 2016 (9)
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- Internships at the OeWF (53)
- OeWF News (367)
- Phileas rover (21)
- Press Releases (37)
- Research/Projects (130)
- Serenity spacesuit (3)
- World Space Week (25)