On the 13th of August the OEWF will launch a stratosphere balloon within the framework of the ISU (International Space University) in Graz, Lustbühel. The idea is to build a reusable, reliable carrier system for high atmosphere experiments. The concept is to divide the capsule in the TAC (Telemetry And Command) module and the EXP (experimental) module. The EXP module will be build by the students of the ISU. The TAC module will be build by the balloon team of the OEWF in a mode, which is flexible enough to transport miscellaneous experiments from different organisations in the middle stratosphere. This module includes all the telemetry and recovery systems needed for launch, flight, landing and recovery and the systems for specifying the environment. This module is called “ Passepartout Sherpa”.
Since one week the prototype of the new telemetry transmitter of Passepartout Sherpa is in operation. It is broadcasting position, altitude, velocity, quality of GPS signal, bearing, 2 temperature states, air humidity, air pressure, and voltage. In the second stage of extension the transmitter will broadcast in addition 5 more analog and 5 more digital sensor channels, such as X-ray and Ultraviolet. During the flight of Sherpa, all these measured values will be transmitted every minute to the ground station and in the APRS (automatic position reporting system) – network.
In the internet on https://aprs.fi/ everybody can investigate the transmitted data. The transmitter has the call sign OE1MTS-2.
Raw data send from the telemetry transmitter
2011-02-28 14:01:01 UTC: OE1MTS-2>: /140059h4815.62N/01623.00EO090/000/ A=000530 CNT00000 HDOP00.9 SATS05
2011-02-28 14:01:01 UTC: OE1MTS-2>: T#006,235,146,125,145,255,00000100
To lower the weight of the prototype a printed board is under progress and some special electronic components were ordered.
For the ISU launch on the 13th of August 2011, the EXP module, build by the students of the ISU, will be located approximately 2 meters below Passepartout Sherpa, connected with a rope and leads.
Furthermore the balloon team is working on a new helium fill up equipment for better determination of the amount of Helium in the balloon envelope. This is important to know for the calculation of the trajectory and the maximum altitude of the balloon.
Balloon-Telemetry values:
Pres: 101.284 kPa (TLM: 235 EQN: 0.000,0.370,14.334)
OutT: 13.15600000000001 deg.C (TLM: 146 EQN: 0.000,1.961,-273.150)
Hum: 53.315 %RH (TLM: 125 EQN: 0.000,0.633,-25.810)
InT: 11.19500000000005 deg.C (TLM: 145 EQN: 0.000,1.961,-273.150)
Volt: 5.100000000000001 V (TLM: 255 EQN: 0.000,0.020,0.000)
Dieser Artikel ist auch verfügbar auf: German
- Tagged: Graz, passepartout, tech
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