The Austrian Space Forum, in cooperation with the Ibn Battuta Center in Marrakesh, is embarking on its biggest and most complex Mars analog simulation yet: During the MARS2013 mission in February 2013, a field crew of 10-12 people will conduct cutting edge research with international partners in the Northern Sahara of Morocco. For this field campaign, the Forum is looking for volunteers for various positions. Due to the nature of the simulation, this encompasses also training sessions both virtual via the web, as well as real-life rehearsals, mostly in Innsbruck/Austria.
10-12 team members; candidates applying for these positions participate in >80% of the training sessions and will have to be available between 30Jan-03Mar. There will be little personal comfort, long and hard working days in the middle of the desert in a challenging technical and scientific environment with exposure to the international media. Depending on the funding level we can achieve, the need for personal contributions between 0 – 600 € may be required to cover all expedition costs.
We are looking for candidates with technical and scientific skills, an above-average level of teamwork, excellent health condition and resilience to stress. The training includes a 2-3 day geology field training in Austria (planned for Mid-August weekend 2012) and several training weekends in December 2012 and January 2013, as well as several online-based rehearsal sessions. Travel costs for these sessions cannot be reimbursed.
40-50 team members for the operation of the Mission Support Center in Innsbruck/Austria. The required availability includes selected pre-campaign training sessions. Duties will include staffing the flight controller positions, ranging from Flight Director, Remote Science Support teams, technicians, to Biomedical Engineers, support staff, Media teams (including social media) and others. Minimum commitment is 1 week at the MSC in February.
Next steps
If you are interested in one of the teams, please send an email with your CV & indication of interest to NO LATER THAN 15th June 2012, 12:00 (CEST), indicating your availability (from when to when you would be available). The selection for the field crew will be announced by 15th July 2012, the results for the MSC staff roster will be communicated by the 31st July 2012.
If you want to propose an experiment for the Mars 2013 analog field simulation, please go to mission website here: mars2013.oewf.org and download the announcement of opportunity where you find all the details.
[highlight color=”red”]Important:[/highlight] Travel cost to Morocco or Austria cannot be reimbursed. If you’re selected as team member for the Mission Support Centre in Innsbruck, you’ll have to cover all expenses for travel, food, accommodation and other amenties. The Austrian Space Forum will provide proper training, infrastructure and a work place.- Tagged: analogs, Mars, Morocco, volunteers
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