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MARS2013 Pictures of the Day: Preparation Week
ÖWF Mars desert camp at night, with light logo (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

ÖWF Mars desert camp at night, with light logo (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

10 Day 10 : February 10th, 2013
These stars in the night sky announce tomorrows Mars landing. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

Quiet sunset over the track laid out for the DELTA experiment. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

Quiet sunset over the track laid out for the DELTA experiment. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

9 Day 9 : February 9th, 2013
Today there is a day of R&R in our flightplan. We’ll be back tomorrow, and on monday we will ‘land on Mars’. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

Setting up our own WLAN in the desert to cover experiments area. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

Setting up our own WLAN in the desert to cover experiments area. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

8 Day 8 : February 8th, 2013
We need VOIP communication and telemetry from our space suits and experiments. The desert (just like Mars) usually does not have WLAN coverage already. So we set up our own in the expedition area. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

This expedition really is isolated, (almost) just as it would be on Mars. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

This expedition really is isolated, (almost) just as it would be on Mars. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

7 Day 7 : February 7th, 2013
If you picture this landscape with the sky in a different colour and ignore the vegetation it looks quite a lot like Mars, don’t you think? (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

Group of school children gets tour of Mission Support Center in full operation. (c) OeWF (Jarno Peschier)

Group of school children gets tour of Mission Support Center in full operation. (c) OeWF (Jarno Peschier)

6 Day 6 : February 6th, 2013
The field team in the desert is an important part of Mars 2013, but not the biggest part. For every person ‘on Mars’ there are about four people in the Mission Support Center. (c) OeWF (Jarno Peschier)

An important part of preparation week in the desert is working with various media. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

An important part of preparation week in the desert is working with various media. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

5 Day 5 : February 5th, 2013
We often get the question from selected media representatives visiting us already: “If you are only ‘landing on Mars’ on Monday the 11th, why are you already in the desert for almost a week?” The answer is that we have to put up the field tents, assemble scientific equipment and test all devices before we “land” on the 11th of February and isolate the field crew to begin the simulation. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

Dust devil photographed by Mars 2013 field team on the 3rd of February. (c) OeWF

Dust devil photographed by Mars 2013 field team on the 3rd of February. (c) OeWF

4 Day 4 : February 4th, 2013
A snapshot of a dust devil in the vicinity of the base camp. This phenomenon has been seen by the Spirit rover on Mars and confirms the great similarity between Morocco and Mars. (c) OeWF

Desert camp at night. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

Desert camp at night. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

3 Day 3 : February 3rd, 2013
The Mars 2013 field camp is all set up under the same constellations in the night sky that past explorers used for guidance on their voyages. It will be a great reminder to make new discoveries of our own. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

Travelling out into the desert. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

Travelling out into the desert. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

2 Day 2 : February 2nd, 2013
The locations for the Mars 2013 simulation are remote sites in the desert region around Erfoud (Morocco). Whereas future manned Mars missions use spaceships to reach their destination our field crew has to resort to cars and trucks. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

Field Team departure (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

Field Team departure (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

1 Day 1 : February 1st, 2013
A new mission to Mars begins! At the end of January the field team travelled to Morocco to begin a month-long analog field-simulation in order to gain scientific and operational insights for a future manned mission to the Red Planet. (c) OeWF (Katja Zanella-Kux)

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