Imagine you are far away from civilization, stuck inside a heavy uncomfortable shell that restricts every movement of every single joint of your body but protects you from the outside. The air you breathe is cold and try, sweat is running down your cheeks, you are exhausted. You need to drive in the last screw when the screwdriver falls out of your glove and picking it up seems to be an almost unrealistic challenge. Sitting at your couch reading a book or just relaxing after a day of work is what you would normally do right now, but you can’t, you are in a mission, you decided to something extraordinary.
Our daydream just brought us into the situation of an analog astronaut at the OeWF and if you still think that this experience challenges you on a whole new level and is absolutely desirable, well then you possibly understand why I am applying for the class-of-2015 analog astronaut selection.
When I first read about the selection for the analog astronaut course and AMADEE-15 mission I was not sure what I should think about all that impressive stuff those people try to simulate on a Tyrolean glacier, but after some research and talks with my friends I realized how amazing the goal of preparing future Mars Missions is. It is not only that you will experience a lot of amazing challenges but it is also possible to contribute to a tiny part to what will fascinate not only us but a whole lot of generations after us. Maybe this small contribution will even change the future of mankind.
As I am a med student and enthusiastically working in prehospital emergency medicine I wonder how people on a remote mission like the upcoming mars missions will be preparing for the case of an emergency in outer space. How can we transfer our acquired knowledge from terrestrial missions to the maybe unforeseeable problems that will approach us as soon as we leave our well known surroundings on earth? What new techniques have to be prepared? How can we cope all the stressful situations physically and mentally? How can we support those who are going to make the next big step in space travel!
That is why I am applying and wanting to be an Analog Astronaut at OeWF!
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