Team Leads

The activities of the forum are coordinated by the team leaders and the board. Besides research & development programs and outreach activities, the Service units provide the administrative and logistical backbone of the forum. The teams support the board and project leads in the realization of their tasks. 

Service Units and their Leaders
  • Financial Services (Olivia Haider, board member)
  • IT Team (Lukas Gradl)
  • Policy and Law Team (Florian Griebaum)
  • Media (Mag. Monika Fischer, board member)
  • Membership & Recruitment (Dr. Julia Weratschnig)
Project Leaders
  • Mission Support Center / Flight Directors (W. Stumptner, R. Tlustos)
  • Mission Support Center / Flightplan (Soumyajit Mandal)
  • Mission Support Center / BME (Dr. Luca Rehnberg)
  • Mission Support Center / RSS (Dr. Seda Özdemir-Fritz)
  • Mission Support Center / Ground Support
  • Mission Support Center / Science Data Officer
  • Human Factors (Alexandra de Carvalho, board member)
  • Safety Officer (Michael Klicker, MSc., MSS)

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Lukas Gradl

Team Lead IT

Born 1975, since 1993 owner-manager in IT/software development, specialized in medical / medical research in different international teams. In addition CEO of a contact lense institute in Innsbruck since 2016. 10 years of experience in the training / examining young people in the
area of IT for the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. 15 years of experience in different leading positions in the area of logistics / support for the Austrian Red Cross in Innsbruck.

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Michael Klicker, MSc., MSS

Safety Officer

Carrer: Born in 1974, graduated 2001 in Technical Physics at the University of Technology in Graz, Austria. Graduated 2004 as Master of Space Studies at ISU in Strasbourg, France. In 2004 worked at ESA in the area of electric propulsion systems. Since 2005 working for various consultancy companies on projects in functional safety / system safety / software safety of complex systems in aerospace and defence.

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Dr. Soumyajit Mandal

Team Lead Flight Plan

Career: Born in West Bengal, India, and currently residing in the Netherlands. He completed a PhD in Astrophysics and Astronomy at Leiden University, focusing on the formation of large-scale cosmic structures, such as galaxy clusters, and particle acceleration mechanisms within the intra-cluster medium. Currently, he works as a scientist in the Earth Science Group at SRON (Netherlands Institute for Space Research), where he works with remote sensing satellites that are responsible for creating daily global maps of atmospheric trace gases, relevant for air quality and climate monitoring. He joined the OeWF in February 2023 as a member of the Flightplan (FP) Team, participated in AMADEE-24 in Armenia, and later joined the FP leadership at the end of 2024.

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Dr. Seda Özdemir-Fritz

Team Lead Remote Science Support

Career: Born 1985 in Ankara, Turkey. BSc and MSc both in Geology Engineering at Ankara University, Turkey and Ph.D in Lithospheric Research-Impact Research and Planetary Geology at the University of Vienna. Holds the Project Management certificate from Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. Focused on meteorites and impact craters and performed many petrographic and geochemical investigations. In 2014, granted and took part in the Impact Crater research in Flagstaff-USA, hosted by LPI. Recently, working as a project manager, additionally leading the art & science projects for children. After attending AMBT in December 2018, was assigned as an RSS team member and following as the RSS team-lead.

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Simone Paternostro, MSc.

Flight Director

Career: Born in 1986 in Italy. Studied Aerospace Engineering (BSc., two MSc.) at La Sapienza University of Rome, focusing on Space Flight Dynamics, Mission Analysis and Space Transportation Systems. Currently completing a PhD about Satellite Navigation for commercial flights with the University of Nottingham and since April 2017 Payload Planning Engineer for the International Space Station at the Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration Department in ESTEC. Joined OeWF in February 2015 and was assigned as Flight Director for the AMADEE-18 expedition in the Sultanate of Oman.

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Dr. Lucas Rehnberg

BME Team Lead

Born in 1987 in the Netherlands, but lives in the UK. Studied Biomedical sciences as an undergraduate at Kings College London. Then completed a Master’s degree in Human and applied physiology at Kings, with a dissertation in cardiopulmonary resuscitation in microgravity. Studied medicine and graduated 2015 from Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry and currently works as an anaesthetist and Intensive care doctor at University Hospital Southampton, UK. Joined the OeWF in 2017 as a member of the Biomedical Engineer (BME) team for AMADEE-18 and then deputy chief BME for AMADEE-20.

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Dr. Julia Weratschnig

Team Lead Membership & Recruitment

Career: Born in 1982, masters degree in physics, PhD in observational cosmology (Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck); Senior Analyst at HM Nautical Almanac Office in Taunton between 2009 and 2013. Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volunteer at ESO Education and Public Outreach Department. Visited several Conferences and participated in IAU workgroups (Commission 4). Works as Curator/Educator for Astronomy at the Haus der Natur in Salzburg.

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