Journey to Mars, waypoint Oman
Or: Part two of a traveller´s report on selecting a test site for Mars simulations I hope you enjoyed the first part of my blog, filled with personal insights of the scouting mission in Israel. Now, I would like to […]
Or: Part two of a traveller´s report on selecting a test site for Mars simulations I hope you enjoyed the first part of my blog, filled with personal insights of the scouting mission in Israel. Now, I would like to […]
Our scouting team travelled to Israel and Oman in March 2017 to find suitable site locations for our next big #simulateMars mission. Sophie Gruber was part of the scouting team and describes her impressions about the scouting activities in Israel.
Our intern Elizabeth Young reports about her work on the upcoming Aouda.X locomotion test campaign and how Martian and Lunar gravities can be simulated via a vertical treadmill. Watch the video to see the vertical treadmill in action.
n the 8th of November 2016, the citizens of the United States elected a new president, and on the 20th of January 2017, Donald Trump was sworn into office to replace Barack Obama and become the 45th President of the […]
The winners of the Born2Explore student contest at the European Astronaut Centre in Cologne On February 16-17, 2017, the students Michael Berghold, Leon Sereinig and Matthias Kaplan visited ESA’s European Astronaut Centre in Cologne, organized by the Austrian Space Forum […]
Along with Israel, Oman is in the final selection of candidates to host the Austrian Space Forum’s (OeWF) next Mars Analogue Mission “AMADEE-18”. The Austrian Space Forum’s (OeWF) location scouts are lead by Mars Expert Dr. Gernot Grömer, President of […]
Along with Oman, Israel is in the final selection of candidates to host the Austrian Space Forum’s (OeWF) next Mars Analogue Mission “AMADEE-18”. The Austrian Space Forum’s (OeWF) location scouts are lead by Mars Expert Dr. Gernot Grömer, President of […]
From 09 – 14 Jan 2017 we hosted the Galileo Teacher Training program with the “Beyond Earth Orbit: Solar System Exploration and spacesuits” course. Teachers from Italy, Belgium and Germany joined us for 6 days at the OeWF Spacesuit Laboratory […]
The Aouda Test Campaign 17A was performed on the spacesuits Aouda.X and Aouda.S between 2nd and 06th January 2017 in Innsbruck and Seefeld. Testing was done on various subsystems of the suit to either commission new items, requalify evolved systems […]
In 2016 we celebrated the 25th anniversary of AustroMir – the first and only spaceflight of an Austrian astronaut – and we celebrated 10 years of AustroMars. Both events shaped the Austrian Space Forum and were very present in our […]
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