Analog Astronaut Iñigo Muñoz Elorza describes his impressions about the 3rd training block, his first time in the Aouda.X suit, how the team grows together and how to survive a cold night outdoor.
Analog Astronaut Iñigo Muñoz Elorza describes his impressions about the 3rd training block, his first time in the Aouda.X suit, how the team grows together and how to survive a cold night outdoor.
With this slogan we present people of the Austrian Space Forum, who are engaged in our Mars Analog Research Program PolAres. Each of them contributes a small step for future human Mars exploration and that makes each individual a Mars […]
How does it feel to wear the Aouda.X spacesuit for the first time? Do you feel the weight? During the 2nd analog astronaut training, Carmen Köhler donned the spacesuit & reports now about her first time wearing a Mars analog spacesuit simulator.
How a broken leg was not a showstopper for Joao Lousada to become an analog astronaut.
In Stefan Dobrovolny’s blog post he writes about his thoughts on the analog astronaut selection and about his motivation becoming an analog astronaut.
Kartik Kumars writes about his impressions about the OeWF analog astronaut selection and how it felt beeing selected into the next round.
Carmen Köhler’s first impressions about the OeWF analog astronaut selection process, not knowing yet, that she will be selected into the final group.
Iñigo Muñoz Elorza, analog astronaut class of 2015, reports about his experience during the selection process and about his motivation to become an analog astronaut.
Committee selected new trainees from a pool of around 100 applications 100 applications, 637 individual assessments, and three months later: one woman and four men from Austria, Germany, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands have been selected to strengthen the Corps […]
Marlen Raab interviewed Prof. Dr. Jesús Martinez-Frias, Senior Scientist at Instituto de Geociencias and Professor “Ad Honorem” at the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Director of the Spanish Network of Planetology and Astrobiology (REDESPA).
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