OeWF Blog

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The best pictures & video of the year 2022

The best pictures & video of the year 2022

On the last day of the year, we look back on a year full of space activities and research projects. The launch of the ADLER-1 cubesat in January 2022 was certainly a milestone at OeWF: For the first time, hardware […]
ÖWF and SCERTAS cooperate to improve safety of industrial and research projects

ÖWF and SCERTAS cooperate to improve safety of industrial and research projects

The Mars analog missions of the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) within the framework of the AMADEE program take place on Earth but are not devoid of any risk. Indeed, for participants of such missions it means being sent to very […]
AMADEE-20 Review Part 5

AMADEE-20 Review Part 5

Our analog astronauts are specifically trained space suit testers. After a comprehensive selection process they undergo several months of intensive basic training before they are deployed on technical tests and Mars simulations. During the AMADEE-20 mission, our six analog astronauts […]
OeWF thanks outgoing UNOOSA director Di Pippo

OeWF thanks outgoing UNOOSA director Di Pippo

Simonetta Di Pippo, outgoing Director of the UNOOSA, receives the Grand Decoration in Gold for Merits for the Republic of Austria, and the “Token of Appreciation” of the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) Professor Simonetta Di Pippo, who headed the UN […]
AMADEE-20 Review Part 4

AMADEE-20 Review Part 4

The Flight Director (FD), or more precisely a Flight Director team, was responsible for the overall operations of the AMADEE-20 mission. During the mission or simulation preparation, the Flight Director, together with the mission management, ensured that the resources of […]
AMADEE-20 Review Part 3

AMADEE-20 Review Part 3

OSS – On Site Support supported the crew of the analog astronauts without interacting with them. They took care of infrastructure that had to be in place on “Mars” for the mission to run smoothly, such as relocating and maintaining […]
AMADEE-20 Review Part 2

AMADEE-20 Review Part 2

During our AMADEE-20 Mars simulation in October 2021, the Human Factors team had the task of supporting the analog astronauts and the team in the Mission Support Centre (MSC). During the mission, operational data on well-being, mental health, performance, attention […]
AMADEE-20 Review Part 1

AMADEE-20 Review Part 1

In October 2021, our 13th Mars analog mission took place. Incredible, already a year has passed. Our extensive Mars simulation in the Negev Desert in Israel brought enormous challenges for both the technology and the teams involved. We do all […]
Pollution on the surface of Mars and Earth’s moon

Pollution on the surface of Mars and Earth’s moon

It is a well-known fact that humans have been polluting the Earth for generations. But what about other celestial objects? Satellites, vehicles, and more was and is sent into space repeatedly and is left in the unknown. Have the Moon and […]
Suborbital space tourism and why every person matters

Suborbital space tourism and why every person matters

Space tourism in a nutshell Space enthusiasts are surely familiar with the emerging market of space tourism. SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin, Boeing – many companies are planning to send tourist to space on a big scale starting in the […]

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