OeWF Blog

Latest post about OeWF activities & expeditions

Creating a flight plan, what does that mean?

Creating a flight plan, what does that mean?

Nina Sejkora gives us an overview of the department’s main tasks and then answers a few questions so that the tasks of the team and processes are made concrete. MAIN TASKS Before the missionContact experiment teams and clarify the needs […]
The Planetary Defence Conference (PDC)

The Planetary Defence Conference (PDC)

From 26.-30. April 2021 the Planetary Defence Conference will take place in Vienna for the seventh time. Actually, that was the plan. The call for flexibility reached also the PDC- Organizers, so for the first time this conference will be […]
The best pictures of the year 2020

The best pictures of the year 2020

We are writing the last days of the year 2020 – a year, no one will forget anytime soon. For the first time, we had to postpone a planned Mars simulation. Also, our outreach & education activities were affected by […]

Astrobiology Journal features simulated Mars mission

More than 100 pages on Austrian Space Forum’s 2018-mission in Oman On November 12 2020 the prestigious Astrobiology Journal released its special edition on the simulated Mars mission “AMADEE-18”. Its collection of six papers offers insight into carefully chosen experiments […]
NÜWA – A city state for 1 Mio people on Mars

NÜWA – A city state for 1 Mio people on Mars

How would you accommodate 1 million people on Mars? How do they get there? What do they do there? How do you guarantee the basic needs, like food, housing, water and fresh air? Which of these questions is most important? […]
Space bacteria and challenging yourself

Space bacteria and challenging yourself

In the evening before my Mathematics “Matura” I got a completely unexpected email: Amidst the stress of writing my final exams during a pandemic I had entirely forgotten about the application I sent to OeWF the winter before. Now I […]

Countdown for Mars Simulation halted

Austrian Space Forum postpones Mars Analog Mission by one year to October 2021 Today the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) announced the postponement of its international Mars analog mission “AMADEE-20”. The simulation of a crewed mission to the Red Planet was […]

Gebrüder Weiss supports OeWF Mars Analog Mission

International Logistics Company chosen to manage the Transport of valuable Equipment to Mars Mission Site in Israel The logistics and transport experts at Gebrüder Weiss will assist the globally unique mission of transporting equipment together with 16 international scientific experiments […]
Name the #AMADEE20 rover

Name the #AMADEE20 rover

Do you want to take part in the human exploration of our neighbor Mars? We need you for a very important task: naming the Exoscot Rover for our AMADEE-20 mission! It will explore and map interesting locations and is needing […]
Operation Bumblebee: An investigative journey to the hexagonal storm of the planet Saturn

Operation Bumblebee: An investigative journey to the hexagonal storm of the planet Saturn

At the Alpen Adria University of Klagenfurt, a team of BSc students has developed a small space project as an exercise for the “Introduction to spaceflight” lecture. While not every astronautic aspect has been defined in a detailled manner, the […]

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