AMADEE-24 Science Workshop
29.11.2024 - 01.12.2024, All Day
After the AMADEE-24 Mars simulation in Armenia, the data analysis of the experiments concludes and we are cordially invite both AMADEE-24 researchers, project team members and as well as interested external researchers to the A-24 Science Workshop. This workshop will serve as a platform to present the outcomes of the experiments during the AMADEE-24 Analog Mission, as well as to share insights on outreach efforts, including conferences, articles, and other initiatives.
Location: Vega Observatory Haus der Natur Salzburg, Hochberg 3, 5162 Obertrum am See/Austria
Organizing committee: Gernot Groemer and Seda Özdemir-Fritz
Local organzining team: Julia Weratschnig
Experiment Presentations
We are inviting experimenters as well as A-24 MSC, CRW and GOST teams (and anyone interested in Mars analog research) to present their findings in a 20min (tbc) presentation (+5min Q&A):
- outlining the research questions and methodology
- present results and conclusions
- project the publication/dissemination strategy and potential for future data fusion
We kindly invite research teams to submit a 1-page abstract of their research projects no later than 04Oct024 via email to: (cc: ) in the following format:
- Title, Name(s)/Affiliations
- < 2500 characters max (incl. spaces)
- 2 images max.
Fri, 29th Nov 2024
Location: Vega Observatory
Registrations open
16:45- 17:00
Opening keynote
17:00 – 17:30
Key Note: Gernot Grömer – Welcome to AMADEE
17:30 – 18:00
KeyNote: Hayk Aslanyan – Armenian Impact
18:00 – 18:35
Team presentation (RSS, Flightplan, Explore project)
Dinner at Restaurant Kaiserbuche
Sat, 30th Nov 2024
Location: Vega Observatory
Coffee and mingling
09:30 – 11:30
Experiment presentations
Coffee break
12:00 – 13:00
Experiment presentations
13:00 – 14:15
Group photo and launch
14:15- 16:45
Coffee break
17:00 – 18:00
PI Feedback and LLs
OeWF Christmas gathering at Ammerhauser Hotel Restaurant
Sun, 01st Dec 2024
Location: Haus der Natur
Coffee and mingling
Experiment presentations
Key Note: Jas Purewal – WBA Overview
12:00 – 12:30
MoU Signing Ceremony with WBA
12:30 – 13:00
Mars Exhibition at Haus der Natur Salzburg (free pass included)
There will also be the option for a visit of the “Haus der Natur” Science museum special exhibit on Mars Exploration, curated by Julia Weratschnig and a conference dinner, which will be separately announced later. Please note that the workshop weekend is the start of the christmas season in Salzburg, so early bookings are advised.
Transportation & Accommodation:
Staying in Salzburg city:
Taxis from Salzburg Main Train Station to the observatory cost approximately €58 (one way). Each taxi can hold up to 4 people.
Train to Anthering, it is about 20 minutes by train from Salzburg Main Train Station.
Staying in Anthering or nearby:
OeWF members will provide pickup services from Anthering train station by private car, or you can use a taxi (around €40 from Anthering to the observatory).
Hotel & Restaurant Ammerhauser, Anthering, rooms available for OeWF (first come first serve)
Hotel Genussdorf Gmachl, Bergheim bei Salzburg
Pension Hiesel, Anthering
Workshop Registration
The registration is open to the scientific community and anyone interested in Mars analog research. To register, please fill-out the registrations form.
- Abstract submission deadline: 15Oct2024, 23:59 CEST
- Registration deadline: 15Nov2024, 23:59 CET
- Registration fee will be 60 € (40 € for students or OeWF members) and covers workshop participation, abstract booklet / welcome package as well as snacks and drinks during breaks for the three days.
On-site registration fee: 85 € (65 € for students or OeWF members)
Registration is closed.
29.11.2024 - 01.12.2024
All Day
VEGA Observatory Haus der Natur Salzburg
Hochberg 3
5162 Obertrum am See
Hochberg 3 - Obertrum am See
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