The Austromars mission emblem: the Edelweiss symbolizes Austria, the red and blue discs represent Mars and Earth. During the simulation the planet Mars is located in the constellation Taurus with its red giant Aldeberan. The six stars stand for the six flightcrew members. One arc displays the transport from Earth to Mars, the other one is a reference to Austria.

The European and American space organisations started two grand exploration projects with the goal of taking Man to Mars. Regardless wether the decision if people will be send to this great voyage tomorrow or in 10 years we have to develope technologies to turn the flight into a safe and cost-effective endeavour. Mars is the next fundamental step of our space flight program: to stimulate the essential technological developments for a mission like this, Mars Society operates a so-called analogue-station in the desert of Utah where short-time missions (two weeks) are being simulated. 2006 the Austromars expedition conducts such a mission: for the first time the crew, the support team and the experiments as well as the major part of the hardware are from Austria. On the one hand the project consists of research activities concerning the development of strategies and technology for manned mars missions in the future and on the other hand it is a demonstration of the capabilities of the national space capacities. Apart from the scientific stimulus Austromars also focuses the public view on space activities and – closely associated with enormous involvement of the media tightly associated with massive involvement of media – presents a young scientific landscape in Austriabeing a top performer in the field of European space-travel.
AustroMars was supported by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transportation, Innovation and Technology. (BmVIT).
Relive the AustroMars mission with reading the Commanders reports:
List of all reports: oewf.org/en/tag/cdr-reports/
Dieser Artikel ist auch verfügbar auf: German
USA/AustroMars 2006
- Date:April 2006
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