AMADEE-15 Mission, Kaunertal Glacier, Austria
In August 2015, the Austrian Space Forum and international partners conducted a two-week Mars simulation mission on a rock glacier in the Kaunertal, Austria. Directed by a Mission Support Center in Innsbruck/Austria, a small field crew conducted experiments preparing for future human Mars missions in the fields of engineering, planetary surface operations, astrobiology and geosciences.Analog astronauts in spacesuit simulators, in partnership with robotic vehicles, supported by an international Remote Science Support team emulated the exploration of the Martian surface.
All post about AMADEE-15 Mars Analog Simulation

Final Mission Report of the AMADEE-15 Mars Simulation, Aug 2015, Kaunertal/Austria
The aims of AMADEE-15 were to…
- Investigate the limitations and opportunities of studying a Martian (rock) glacier with human explorers, using state-of-the art instrumentation.
- Test novel mission support strategies, decision making workflows and near-real time data analysis for flight planning.
- Serve as a high-visibility showcasing of analog field research, including a dedicated education and outreach component
“The international AMADEE-15 mission is the highest ever conducted Mars simulation studying a (rock) glacier like envisioned for a future human Mars mission.”
Experiment | Organisation | Kurzbeschreibung |
Aouda.X/.S | OeWF, AT | Systemtests of the spacesuit simulator including voice recognition, data transfer and mobility/ergonomic tests |
BCC | Association Planete Mars, FR | A balloon carried camera was tested to support astronauts during exploration. |
CLIFFBOT CRV | Association Planete Mars, FR | Concept rover to have access to difficult-to-reach locations on Mars such as cliff strata. |
Dental Treatment on Mars – MaDe |
Meusburger Dental Technic And Space-Craft Architektur, AT | Technical feasibility of 3D Technology and dental technology |
FOG | OBRAM S.A., PL | Experimental shower which operates with water mist. |
Glacier – MASE | Medical University Graz, AT / DLR, DE | Sampling of glacier material and lifedetection experiments. |
GPRoG | University of Athens, GR | Collecting of ground penetrating radar data to study the glacier |
LICHEN | University Warshaw, PL | Measuring of lichen diameters and morain age dating via Schmidt hammer. |
L.I.F.E | University of Innsbruck, AT | The L.I.F.E instrument (Laser-induced Fluorescence Emission) is a portable tool to detected microbes in extreme environments. |
Puli Rocks | Puli Space Technologies, HU | Reliability and moving capabilities on extreme, hard terrain ist tested. Rover will be operated remotly from Hungary. |
VEMES | MarsSociety Italy, IT | Virtual Mars Simulation incl. conducting virtual EVAs. |
WoRIS | Polish Academy of Sciences, PL OeWF, AT |
Investigation of the rate of cryoconite development and thermal conductivity of ice. |
Industrial Partner
The AMADEE-15 Mars Simulation is supported by:
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- Date:August 2015
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