Banner for CASSINI hackathon Austria Polarsternpreis visual (c) Dr. Lothar Kurtze The Polar Star Award 2024 goes to Lisa Kaltenegger operated by the Austrian Space Forum ESA Vertical Treadmill Facility Coworking im ÖWF Mission Support Center ab 30 EUR/Tag AMADEE-24 Mars Simulation with team members at sunset (c) OeWF/ AMADEE-24 Mars Simulation ends

Austrian Space Forum (OeWF)

We do research together with national and international research institutions and the space industry:
Space exploration made in Europe.


The OeWF conducts interdisciplinary research \ with international partners on exploration strategies for future human Mars expeditions.
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Interested in space? The Austrian Space Forum is an active, cross-linked space association with a wide spectrum of topics – a true citizen science organisation.

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Recent OeWF blog entries
Reflecting on the AMADEE-24 Mars Simulation: Challenges and Triumphs

Reflecting on the AMADEE-24 Mars Simulation: Challenges and Triumphs

On 10 March 2024, the AMADEE-24 Mars simulation of the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) was launched in the breathtaking, barren landscapes of Armenia. Over 200 scientists from 26 countries were involved with their equipment, robotic vehicles and experiments. The choice […]
AMADEE-24 Science Series: Ultra-Wideband Sensor Based Localization of a Planetary Rover

AMADEE-24 Science Series: Ultra-Wideband Sensor Based Localization of a Planetary Rover

Many planetary robotics applications require (semi-)autonomous rover operation for which localization is essential. During the ESA-ESRIC Space Resources Challenge in 2021 and more recently AMADEE-24 in Armenia in March 2024, we put a methodology where a mobile system first distributes […]
AMADEE-24 Science Series: Investigations on the indoor air quality – The IAQ-Habitat Experiment

AMADEE-24 Science Series: Investigations on the indoor air quality – The IAQ-Habitat Experiment

Investigations on the indoor air quality (IAQ) of spaceships are rare and were mainly performed on the ISS and MIR and are not known from habitats. However, the situation is expected to be comparable with that in stations. Layouts of […]
AMADEE-24 Science Series: The Hort3space Hydroponic System for Life Support

AMADEE-24 Science Series: The Hort3space Hydroponic System for Life Support

Future space exploration missions, particularly those targeting Mars, will require astronauts to achieve a high degree of self-sufficiency, minimising dependence on Earth-supplied resources. One promising solution to this challenge is the cultivation of food using hydroponic systems, which offer space […]
AMADEE-24 Science Series: The GEOS Experiment – Mapping, Sampling, and  Compositional Measurements

AMADEE-24 Science Series: The GEOS Experiment – Mapping, Sampling, and Compositional Measurements

During the AMADEE24 mission in Armenia, the GEOS experiment focuses on geologic survey activities at the simulated Martian landing site. GEOS applies classic geological field survey methods to a simulated mission to Mars, drawing on the experience of the lunar […]
AMADEE-24 Science Series: EIEE – Emotions in Extreme Environments

AMADEE-24 Science Series: EIEE – Emotions in Extreme Environments

Introduction: Anger, fear, boredom or awe! Living and working in extreme environments confronts astronauts, analog-astronauts, professionals working in extreme environments but also adventurers with a high variety of emotions and requires complex emotional regulation strategies. Yet they have been rarely […]
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