Future space exploration missions, particularly those targeting Mars, will require astronauts to achieve a high degree of self-sufficiency, minimising dependence on Earth-supplied resources. One promising solution to this challenge is the cultivation of food using hydroponic systems, which offer space and resource efficiency while meeting nutritional needs.

The Hort3space experiment, a collaboration between the ENEA research center, AGROS department, Sapienza of Rome – S5Lab research group (DIMA, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering), aims to investigate the viability of hydroponic systems for growing micro-greens in extraterrestrial environments. This system is designed to be partially automated and features a multilevel hydroponic setup integrated with sensors, full-spectrum LED lighting, a robotic arm, and a control and management system.

The primary objectives of the experiment are to assess the feasibility of remote production of micro-greens and to evaluate their potential nutritional benefits for astronauts. The experiment also explores the integration of automation technologies to streamline the cultivation process, reduce crew workload, and support the development of sustainable food production systems for long-duration space missions. This study provides critical insights into the role of hydroponics in supporting life on Mars and similar planets, contributing to the broader goal of autonomous space exploration.

Source: Carla Sandri2, Linda Misercola1, Luca Furlani1, Damiano Salvitti1, Lorenzo Mazzetti1, Riccardo Restivo Alessi1, Paolo Marzioli1, Luca Nardi2, Fabrizio Piergentili1, “Life Science Experiment: The Hort3space Hydroponic System for Life Support”, AMADEE-24 Science Workshop Booklet 2024
1 DIMA, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome, Italy
2 ENEA – Agriculture 4.0 Laboratory, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Rome, Italy
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