OeWF Blog

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AMADEE-18 Picture of the Day: Isolation Phase

AMADEE-18 Picture of the Day: Isolation Phase

Day 21: 28th February 2018 Last sunset from Mars! More Sience. Greater fidelity. Closer to Mars. The 12th Mars Simulation AMADEE-18 is over. Thank you to all the people and partners involved. You made this mission possible and together we […]
Expedition outlets of AMADEE18: Lecture evening at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz

Expedition outlets of AMADEE18: Lecture evening at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz

From 15th-28th of February 2018, the Ars Electronica Center (AEC) in Linz is informing approximately 1.000 expected visitors on eight screens about the AMADEE18 mission of the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) in Oman. The highlight of the AEC’s role as […]
News update: Busy days on Mars (and Earth)

News update: Busy days on Mars (and Earth)

It’s been one week since our last news update from the AMADEE18 mission and a lot has happened during that time. Here is our recap from last week’s events. On Mars, our field crew has been very active performing extravehicular […]
News Update: First days of Isolation Phase

News Update: First days of Isolation Phase

It’s been busy days both at the Mission Support Center (MSC) in Innsbruck and at Kepler Station in the desert of Oman: the AMADEE-18 isolation phase officially started on February 8th, 2018. Below, you can see a video of the […]
Landing Day: Feb. 8th, 2018

Landing Day: Feb. 8th, 2018

The Isolation Phase began today! It was exciting for both EARTH and FIELD. At the Mission Support Center, a press Conference with Sophie Gruber (AMADEE-18 project management), Reinhard Tlustos (ÖWF Flight Director) and Rüdiger Köster (CTO of T-Mobile Austria) took […]
Landing Day: OeWF starts 12th Mars Analog Mission in Oman

Landing Day: OeWF starts 12th Mars Analog Mission in Oman

Today the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) in cooperation with the Oman National Steering Committee started AMADEE-18, OeWF’s 12. Mars simulation to take place in the Dhofar desert in Oman. Under Austrian leadership, the AMADEE-18 field-crew will conduct experiments in the […]
Picture of the Day: Preparation Week

Picture of the Day: Preparation Week

Day 7: 7th February 2018 Yesterday our OeWF team participated in the 55th Session of the UN COPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee that took place at the United Nations Vienna. We established a livelink to the AMADEE-18 Mars simulation site, […]
News Update: Preparation Week – From Oman to Innsbruck

News Update: Preparation Week – From Oman to Innsbruck

Update from the Field (Oman): Traveling to “Mars“ The AMADEE-18 Mars simulation is catching up speed. The field crew team arrived safely on 30th January 2018 on “Mars.” Well, not really on Mars, but at our #simulateMars site in the […]
The best pictures of 2017

The best pictures of 2017

The year 2017 was shaped by our next major Mars simulation: Besides defining a host country, we selected the experiments for the simulation and trained our team to be prepared for February 2018.  Moreover we organized the European Mars Conference […]
Mid-term internship report: My first month at the OeWF

Mid-term internship report: My first month at the OeWF

Today I am writing my second blog for the OeWF which means that I have already done half of my internship. Time flies really fast at the office because there are always a lot of things to do. What I […]

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