OeWF Blog

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Dachstein Mars Simulation – a review in 25 pictures

Dachstein Mars Simulation – a review in 25 pictures

Between 27Apr-01May, the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF), in partnership with researchers from 11 countries on three continents conducted a Mars Analog field campaign in the Giant Ice Caverns of the Dachstein region in Austria. This test was the first of […]
MarsTweetup – first Austrian spacetweetup held during the Dachstein Mars Simulation

MarsTweetup – first Austrian spacetweetup held during the Dachstein Mars Simulation

On Saturday 28th of April 2012, 16 Mars tweeps & one bear ...
Shoulder pad manufacturing

Shoulder pad manufacturing

Marc Rodriguez OEWF intern & textile engineer Student experiences the gap btw. simulation & reality in his 2nd report.
AO Morocco 2013

AO Morocco 2013

The official annoucement of Opportunity for the Morocco Mars Analog Field Simulation is here. Submit your ideas & experiments no later than 01.June 2012.
Geoscience training workshop Vienna

Geoscience training workshop Vienna

Luca Foresta reports from the 1st geoscience training workshop in Vienna (24.-25. March 2012)
From body scan to should pads

From body scan to should pads

Marc Rodriguez OEWF intern & textile engineer Student reports about his first two week at the PolAres spacesuit laboratory.
Obstacle course for a Man in a spacesuit simulator

Obstacle course for a Man in a spacesuit simulator

In preparation for the five day Dachstein Mars simulation filled with various experiments at the Dachstein Caves near Obertraun Austria, the OEWF takes a new look at what the new Aouda.X spacesuit and its suit testers can handle. How fast […]
OEWF invites to the first MarsTweetup in Austria

OEWF invites to the first MarsTweetup in Austria

We're inviting 20 Twitter followers to the Dachstein Mars simulation on 28th April 2012!
Mars Analogue -Scouting in Northafrica

Mars Analogue -Scouting in Northafrica

In the northeast of Morocca, one can find landscapes which are very reminiscent of Mars – both in terms of looks and geology. Reason enough for the Austrian Space Forum to have a close look in preparation of the 2013 […]
The best pictures of 2011: a review of the OEWF year

The best pictures of 2011: a review of the OEWF year

The last day of the year is always a day for a retrospective. 2011 was an exciting and intensive year for us.  The pictures underneath are randomly chosen and provide a fragmentary, subjective but a colorful and vital view of […]

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