OeWF Blog

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Passepartout Sherpa – a new stratosphere transportation system

Passepartout Sherpa – a new stratosphere transportation system

On the 13th of August the OEWF will launch a stratosphere balloon within the framework of the ISU (International Space University) in Graz, Lustbühel. The idea is to build a reusable, reliable carrier system for high atmosphere experiments. The concept […]
[Arrived] WeTabs for Rio Tinto :-)

[Arrived] WeTabs for Rio Tinto :-)

For our Rio Tinto expedition in April 2011 the 4tiitoo AG borrows us three WeTabs.
PolAres rover “Phileas” moves

PolAres rover “Phileas” moves

In the past few weeks the PolAres rover got wheels with their wheels suspension. Willibald Stumptner of the Austrian Space Forum made a visit to the HTL Kapfenberg (a technical college in South-Eastern part of Austria) to see for himself […]
Announcement of Opportunity for Rio Tinto Field Test 2011

Announcement of Opportunity for Rio Tinto Field Test 2011

Between 15.- 25. April 2011, the Austrian Space Forum and partnering institutions will conduct a set of field tests in the Spanish Rio Tinto area.  The work will focus on the Aouda.X spacesuit simulator and astrobiology experiments w.r.t. the contamination […]
Aouda.X gets a CT

Aouda.X gets a CT

You will only find out whats inside a space suit – real or simulated – if you look under its skin. This was the reason behind a cooperation between the Aouda.X development team and the University Clinic for Radiology at […]
The Austrian Space Forum visits the Astronaut Centre in Cologne

The Austrian Space Forum visits the Astronaut Centre in Cologne

ESA’s European Astronaut Center (EAC) was the goal of a visit by a PolAres delegation. It is the central piece of manned european space travel: since the early nineties, both astronauts training takes place here as well as operational care […]
Drilling into ice on “Mars”

Drilling into ice on “Mars”

On Saturday 31st July the CVE 04 series took place during the field test at the glacier in the Kaunertal Valley. This series was launched in reference to the CVE 03 that have been conducted during the last tests in […]
PolAres Aouda Spacesuit Simulator Glacier Test

PolAres Aouda Spacesuit Simulator Glacier Test

A 19-people team members operating a spacesuit simulator? Yes, and each of them is necessary at an exceptional location for a Mars-analogue right in the heart of Europe – the Kaunertal glacier. Bright sunshine and high summer “Mars” temperature (ca. […]
Cavemen on Mars?

Cavemen on Mars?

Aouda.X test in the Kopperbrüller cave at Obertraun, Austria Some of the first documents of human history are paintings found in caves, like in the Spanish Altamira cave. Those paintings date back to 30 000 years! So what does this […]
Shenzhou-7 launch

Shenzhou-7 launch

Shenzhou is the name of the spaceship of the Chinese manned space program. Translated it means divine vessel. After initial tests (Shenzhou 1-4) Col. Yang Liwei was the first Chinese to be in space, which was aboard Shenzhou-5 in 2003. […]

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