Surprising Outcome of Mars Analog Mission AMADEE-24
Scientists are uncovering new insights into how isolation in simulated space environments can affect human cellular health. In a recent study conducted as part of the Austrian Space Forum’s (OeWF) AMADEE-24 Mars mission simulation, researchers tracked changes in telomeres – protective caps at the ends of our chromosomes that play a key role in aging and cellular stability. To their surprise the telomeres length changed within a matter of days.
Astronaut-Studies help understand Telomere-Changes
Telomeres gradually shorten as we age, and this shortening is linked to cellular aging and a decline in immune function. Notably, studies on astronauts at the International Space Station (ISS) have previously shown changes in telomere length due to the stressors of space travel, such as microgravity, radiation, and isolation. However, it remains unclear how these stressors individually affect telomeres. To investigate further, scientists from Russian-Armenian University (RAU) and the Institute of Molecular Biology of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences (IMB) focused on two specific stress factors: isolation and spacewalk-like activities (extravehicular activity or EVA). Six analog astronauts participated in the study, that was carried out during the Austrian Space Forum’s (OeWF) Mars mission simulation. The analog astronauts spent nearly four weeks in isolation. During their EVAs outside the habitat they wore a spacesuit-simulator, which mimics a pressurized suit. Blood samples were collected before the mission and at several points during their isolation. Researchers at RAU and IMB then analyzed telomere length from DNA in these samples and compared it to baseline levels before isolation.
Surprising Outcome
The study revealed that telomeres shortened significantly in the early days of isolation but returned closer to normal by the end of the isolation period. This pattern suggests that initial isolation may lead to a temporary decline in immune activity, followed by recovery. According to the researchers, immune-boosting measures in the early days of isolation could help protect astronaut health during long-term missions.
Dieses Muster deutet darauf hin, dass die anfängliche Isolation zu einem vorübergehenden Rückgang der Immunaktivität führen kann, gefolgt von einer Erholung. Laut den Forschenden sollten Astronaut*innen in den ersten Tagen der Isolation daher besonders unterstützt werden, um ihre gute Gesundheit für die Dauer der Mission aufrechtzuerhalten. In dieser Phase sind stressreduzierende Maßnahmen- wie beispielsweise genügend Schlaf – besonders wichtig.
“Our research can provide valuable data on how long-term space missions affect human health and our findings highlight the importance of managing immune health in paving the way for safer future Mars missions,” said the team lead Dr. Arsen Arakelyan, from the Institute of biomedicine and pharmacy/Russian-Armenian University, who thanked the Austrian Space Forum, Armenian Space Forum, AMADEE-24 participants, mission planners, and support teams.
Gernot Grömer, director of the ÖWF, added: “Our Mars Analog missions are designed precisely for such experiments. We simulate certain aspects of a space mission like isolation, human-machine-interaction or working outside the protective spaceship or habitat. When working outside the habitat, our specially trained analog astronauts wear the spacesuit simulator we developed. This suit simulates the conditions of a real pressure suit and provides us live with the analog astronauts’ vital signs. Thus, researchers can carry out their experiments under conditions that simulate certain aspects of space missions in a professional environment. A unique opportunity!”
Über AMADEE-24
AMADEE-24 war eine Mars-Analogsimulation in Armenien, die vom Österreichischen Weltraum Forum in Kooperation mit der Armenian Aerospace Agency durchgeführt wurde. Die Expedition fand vom 5. März bis 5. April 2024 in einem terrestrischen Mars-Analogon statt und wurde vom Mission Support Center in Österreich geleitet. Eine kleine Crew hochqualifizierter Analog-Astronaut*innen mit Raumanzug-Simulatoren lebte isoliert in einem Habitat und führte Experimente durch, die von internationalen Wissenschaftlern zur Vorbereitung zukünftiger astronautischer Mars-Missionen bereitgestellt wurden. In Armenien wurden sie vom GOST (Ground Operations and Support Team) unterstützt, ohne direkt zu interagieren. Beteiligt waren 200 Wissenschaftler*innen aus 26 Ländern, deren Ausrüstung, Rover und Experimente für die Expedition ausgewählt worden waren.
Additional work both in Earth analog studies or in space e.g. on the International Space Station (ISS) could shed more light on the various mechanisms that control cellular stability.
AMADEE-24 was a Mars analog simulation in Armenia, managed by the Austrian Space Forum hosted by the Armenian Aerospace Agency. The expedition was carried out from March05 to April05 2024 in a Martian terrestrial analog and directed by a dedicated Mission Support Center in Austria. A small field crew of highly trained analog astronauts with spacesuit simulators lived in isolation in a specially designed habitat and conducted experiments provided by international scientists preparing for future human and robotic Mars exploration missions. In Armenia they were supported by GOST (Ground Operations and Support Team) without directly interacting.
The Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) is a private space research institution, as ESA’s first Ground Based Facility in Austria we operate a vertical treadmill to simulate different gravity-levels, and a network for spaceflight specialists, business/industry and people interested in space. We conduct Mars Analog Missions on a regular bases, involving scientists and institutions from all over the world. The OeWF is playing a leading role in two international Cube-Sat missions that detected space debris in Near Earth Orbit from 2022 to 2024. We cooperate with international research institutions and companies and are in constant dialog with the media and decision makers. With 250 members from 20+ nations, the Austrian Space Forum focuses on scientific excellence, starts, shapes and networks careers and has been inspiring people all over the world since 1998. https://oewf.org
Mag. Monika Fischer
Media Officer
Austrian Space Forum
Tel: +43 699 1213 4610
Dieser Artikel ist auch verfügbar auf: German
- Tagged: AMADEE-24, experiment, Genes4Mars, science, science workshop, Telomeres
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