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OeWF Blog

Latest post about OeWF activities & expeditions

Rio Tinto Mars Expedition 2011: Picture of the Day

Rio Tinto Mars Expedition 2011: Picture of the Day

Until 25th of April will post every day a picture of the day about the Rio Tinto Mars expedition simulation! 25. April 2011 That was our week! Watch it and enjoy! 24.April 2011 Farewell! After the debriefing on Friday in […]
About world premieres to mud-wrestling and the search for coffee

About world premieres to mud-wrestling and the search for coffee

One Week That’s it- THE WEEK, for which we have waited so long. One week, we will remember for years. But nevertheless on this day, the last day of our mission, the feelings of the members are split. On one hand […]
Rio Tinto from the point of view of the SciOps team!

Rio Tinto from the point of view of the SciOps team!

There we are, 4 days in simulation, an ‘Olympus Mons’ of data, and our thirst for knowledge has not been satisfied yet. Our field crew in Spain is working hard on many different experiments, supply us constantly with data, defy […]
RIO TINTO EXPEDITION – Day 7: Oh rainy day…

RIO TINTO EXPEDITION – Day 7: Oh rainy day…

A concerto of mobile phone ringtones disturb the quiet of the camp. Getting up means to crawl out of a wet sleeping bag in a wet tent, put on some damp clothes and grabbing a wet role of toilet paper […]
The Phileas Experience …

The Phileas Experience …

PHILEAS is an educational robotic rover system designed by the teams of the Austrian Space Forum, in cooperation with the HTL (a technical college)  in Kapfenberg with the purpose to assist future manned Mars exploration missions. Tests will be made […]


The sound of heavy rain wakes me. While it is still dark, getting back to sleep is out of the question: at half five my alarm will go off anyway. The weather forecast predicts a dry morning, with heavy thunderstorms […]
The ASF…. What’s that all about?

The ASF…. What’s that all about?

Engagement, enthusiasm and passion… All this characterizes the spirit of the Austrian Space Forum and the spirit of each individual member. But actually what exactly is the Austrian Space Forum? The Austrian Space Forum is an Austrian network for aerospace […]
RIO TINTO EXPEDITION – Day 5: Log of a mud-wrestling

RIO TINTO EXPEDITION – Day 5: Log of a mud-wrestling

Originally, Tuesday, 19th April was planned as “Agency Day”, so external people have the opportunity to take part in the activities on site and getting different experiments done. But the weather threw a spanner in our plans. 08:20 – The […]
Face new challenges together

Face new challenges together

Long before the first human will set a foot on another planet; a reconnaissance robot – so called Rover – will have already been there in advance. Even a manned space mission will still be accompanied by a Rover to […]
Rio TINTO EXPEDITION – Day 4: A man and his suit

Rio TINTO EXPEDITION – Day 4: A man and his suit

Ulrich Luger is the central point. He is used to it. On this sunny morning a bunch of people is standing around- and handing stuff to him: special underwear, headgear, a few uncomfortable looking parts for his arms and legs […]